Document 1805 DOCN M94A1805 TI The health care delivery system for HIV/AIDS patients in Italy: a nationwide survey. DT 9412 AU Guzzanti E; Arici C; Ippolito G; Mastrilli F; Rizzi M; Scheggi M; Center for Health Care for HIV Infected Patients, National; Commission on AIDS-Rome, Italy. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):447 (abstract no. PD0398). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370770 AB OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the health care delivery system and pattern of use of in- and out patient hospitalization for HIV/AIDS patients in Italy. METHODS: A one day cross-sectional study was conducted in the autumn of 1992. Data about type of structure, staffing, organization, case of AIDS notified, patient with HIV infection (PwH) cared for were collected. SETTING: One hundred eight out of 147 departments for infectious diseases who notified about 88% of all italian AIDS cases. In Italy infectious diseases departments are identified as almost exclusive units for PwH. RESULTS: The day of the survey a total of 1759 patients attended to out-patient clinics and 1655 in-patients were recorded. More than 50% of patients cared for were HIV positive. Out of 613 AIDS patients, 13.5% had no previous knowledge of their HIV infection befor hospital admission, while 63% had been diagnosed as infected more than 2 years before admission. Twenty-five percent of PwH were receiving an antiviral treatment and 5% out of in-patients had tuberculosis. The analysis by severity of in-patients showed that 15% had a severe compromission of brain function and about 7% of them were in a quite vegetative life. About a quarter of in-patients had a Karnofsky score less than 40. CONCLUSIONS: The italian model for providing care for PwH is effective in spite of the shortage in bed, but need an improvement in terms of number and quality of hospital-bed and comprehensive services for home and long-term care. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/THERAPY *Delivery of Health Care/ORGANIZATION & ADMIN Human HIV Infections/*THERAPY Italy MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).